Aviation Minister visits CoDA as part of Regional Air Review

The Aviation Minister Paul Maynard visited the City of Derry Airport on Monday 3rd February as part of his UK tour of regional airports as he carries out the Regional Air Connectivity Review.
Welcoming the visit and the opportunity to participate in the government’s review of regional connectivity, the Chairperson of the CoDA Board Albert Harrison said the meeting with the Minister was positive.

He said: “City of Derry Airport plays an integral role in making Derry-Londonderry and the wider North West City Region a more attractive and competitive proposition for inward investors as well as the development and growth of the region’s tourism potential, whilst also delivering economic and social benefits to local communities and the North-West region as a whole.
“The meeting today with the Minister provided us with the opportunity to outline to him the airport’s strategic aim to provide improved connectivity and frequency of flights to major business hubs and to improve connectivity and boost economic growth for the wider city region by increasing access.
“We outlined to the Minister the challenges we face in the current economic environment and that, in common with other smaller regional airports, the difficulties we are experiencing in attracting new airlines and routes. We stressed the need for Government intervention, both in the form of funding assistance to and reduction in tax burdens on airlines to attract new routes.”
Concluding Mr Harrison thanked the Minister for including the City of Derry Airport on his tour of regional airports saying CODA welcomed the opportunity to participate in the government’s review of regional connectivity.