City of Derry Airport Consulting on PBN Approaches

City of Derry Airport is consulting on the introduction of Performance Based Navigation Approaches for aircraft arriving at the airport. The consultation will run from 18 October 2021 to 21 January 2022, and we are asking for your feedback on our proposals.
These proposals aim to replicate the existing arrival routes for aircraft and does not increase the number of aircraft arriving or departing from the airport. The majority of aircraft will continue to fly as they do today.
We will be holding 2 on-line TEAMS events where we will discuss our consultation proposals and answer any questions you may have. These will take place on Wednesday 3 November 2021 from 1300-1430 and on Thursday 9 December 2021 from 1800-1930.
To find out more information about this consultation, how you can respond and/or to book a place at one of our on-line events, please visit our consultation website here:
If you require paper copies of the consultation material and details of how to respond in writing, please call 0287 181 0784 or write to us at: FAO: ATS Manager, City of Derry Airport, Airport Road, Eglinton Co. Derry, BT47 3GY.