A Tribute to our Dear Friend Shauna

Today our dear friend and colleague, Shauna McDevitt, has been laid to rest.
We extend our deepest condolences to Declan, Cillian and the entire family of Shauna. At this time of unbearable grief, our thoughts and prayers are with you as a family.
Shauna was a truly beautiful person in every way – warm, welcoming, friendly, genuine, always helpful and supportive to anyone that crossed her path, and so full of good wishes and positivity for those who had the pleasure of sharing her company. Shauna was also an incredibly modest and humble person, completely unrecognising of how strikingly beautiful and intelligent she was, and she carried a wonderful sense of humour and quick wit that will be so sorely missed.
We are so proud and honoured to have known her and to have had her as a central part of our team at City of Derry Airport over the last 19 years.

Shauna began her career at the Airport back in 2003 as part of the Terminal Services team. As supervisor, Shauna trained many colleagues, including a number of the existing Terminal Services team today, and her input was key to the development of the department. Shauna was renowned for her efficiency and her calm, composed manner, always treating those around her with patience and care.
“Shauna started her career at the airport within the ground handling department, which is now known as Terminal Services. We had the pleasure of working alongside Shauna for many years and we have all built strong friendships with her that we will never forget. Shauna was smart, studious, funny, witty, and always loved a bit of craic and banter. Shauna was always approachable, and nothing was ever a bother to her, she just took it in her stride. She was the best problem solver, true to the saying ‘cool, calm and collected’. Shauna was a beautiful woman inside and out, we will never forget her, she will live forever in our hearts and our memories with her will always give us great comfort.” (Terminal Services)

Shauna joined the Finance/Administration Department in 2009, where she became a key member of the team as a reliable and trusted go-to person for staff across the company. Remaining a hugely valued part of this department for the last 13 years, Shauna has not only been a colleague, but a close friend and loved one for her long-standing team members.
“We are devastated by the tragic loss of our dear, beautiful friend and colleague, Shauna.
“She was the kindest, most loyal, thoughtful person who helped everyone without any fuss. Her knowledge, expertise and skills were outstanding, and she was highly efficient in everything she did. We’ve lost a unique link of our team who played a special role in all of our lives.
“It will be heart-breaking to see her empty desk, we will be lost without her.
“Our hearts are truly broken.” (Finance/Administration)

The wide-ranging skill set Shauna possessed was clear to see, as she also assisted the Air Traffic Control Department, in addition to her Finance role, over the last 13 years. This was an area that she loved working in. The ATC team have noted that Shauna was simply exceptional.
“Shauna was the brightest of stars that touched so many of us, always organised quietly going about her daily work, always professional, always caring, and always with the brightest of smiles. We cannot believe that she has been so cruelly snatched from us. Shauna’s passing leaves a deep void in the hearts of all her work family.” (Air Traffic Control)

Over the years, Shauna was involved in several initiatives and promotional activity at City of Derry Airport, generating ideas and always there providing guidance and support with a smile. We are so blessed to have shared these occasions with her and to hold these special memories to look back on.

Shauna will forever be in our thoughts and her legacy will be the unforgettably wonderful person she was. Shauna’s memory will live long through the many lives she touched here at the Airport and beyond.